This course version is for Every Nation Church members and friends. Profit from sales goes to EN church planting in Europe.
(And have deeper relationship with Him?)
(And have deeper relationship with Him?)
A 4-Week Online Course
Grow in confidence in hearing God speak!
A 4-Week Online Course
Grow in confidence in hearing God speak!
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£10 discount is automatically applied at checkout for EN members and friends.
Further discounts are availabe for students, those in difficult financial circumstances, and those in countries with an exchange rate not favourable to GBP. Choose any of the discount codes presented at checkout.
Choose your discount!
£10 discount is automatically applied at checkout for EN members and friends.
Further discounts are availabe for students, those in difficult financial circumstances, and those in countries with an exchange rate not favourable to GBP. Choose any of the discount codes presented at checkout.
God wants to speak with you.
He really does!
He wants to whisper his love to you.
He wants to share his heart with you.
He wants to speak into your everyday, and chat with you, just like a friend.
Not always easy to hear God speak, is it?
Do you...
Or maybe...
Hi! My name's Joanna.
I can't wait to share with you what hearing God has meant to me... and how you can hear Him too!
God's brought me on a journey the last few years...
...a journey of learning to recognise His voice.
...a journey of growing in confidence in hearing Him.
He's spoken words that have touched my heart and changed my life.
He wants to take you on a journey too.
He wants to speak with you!
A 4-Week Online Course
Grow in confidence in hearing God speak!
A 4-Week Online Course
Grow in confidence in hearing God speak!
Further discounts available at checkout.
Further discounts available at checkout.
"Thank you sooooo much Jo for this course! It’s been fantastic... so refreshing and so good to think about hearing God, stepping out, and how God sees us. Priceless!"
"I love Jo's testimonies, encouragement and guidance... This course has been life-changing, and has brought me intimately close to my loving Heavenly Father. I totally recommend this course to all."
"This course has been a real encouragement to me and has increased my expectancy and confidence that God can and does and wants to speak to and through me."
"I have been so blessed on this course... I've learnt so much. I have been a Christian for 61 years and thought I knew a lot, but I'm relearning about waiting on the Lord and listening for His voice."
Knowing God: Hear His Voice
is for you if you want to
Personal Videos
I share teaching on hearing God speak, my own stories, and practical ways to hear God's voice! Each video is short, just 5-15mins.
Here's a sneak peek:
Bible Studies
We'll take a look at what the Bible says about God speaking, and what that means for us today!
Practical Exercises
Your turn to put into practice all you're learning. You'll discover different and new ways to hear God speak, and how you best hear him.
My favourite bit of the course! Each lesson includes a 'chat box' to discuss content, interact with others, and share what God speaks to you (because He is going to speak to you)! We'll have some 'Just for Fun!' questions too to get to know each other, and I'll be responding to your comments and questions.
My favourite bit of the course! Each lesson includes a 'chat box' to discuss content, interact with others, and share what God speaks to you (because He is going to speak to you)! We'll have some 'Just for Fun!' questions too to get to know each other, and I'll be responding to your comments and questions.
Join others like you in...
Grow in confidence in hearing God speak!
Join others like you in...
Grow in confidence in hearing God speak!
Further discounts available at checkout.
Further discounts available at checkout.
"Since starting this course I have written everything down and it's amazing to see what God has said and repeated themes within that...
When I look back at my notebook I realise God has been quite chatty!"
"I've really appreciated the way you've led us Joanna. I've especially found it helpful to 'analyse' how God has spoken to me. For the first time I've recognized a pattern of how God takes me on a journey of revealing his heart or a word for a situation."
"I have felt very encouraged in how I hear God, and in stepping out and sharing with others. Connecting with people on the course has also been great. I think we’ve all stepped beyond our comfort zones but in the support of God, Jo, and each other!"
"Ultimately this course has given me the tools and the confidence to spend time with God, learning to hear his voice. I have felt God’s presence, felt guided by him, and felt closer. Thank you Jo, and bless you."
Module 1: You Can Hear God Speak
I'll share my story with you, of coming to know God as Father and hearing Him speak. We'll look at who God spoke to in the Bible, and why that's an encouragement to us today. I'll share WHO you are (rather surprising!) and the difference that makes in hearing God.
We'll jump straight into practising listening to God - I'll share three practical step-by-step ways to hear God.
I believe you'll encounter the presence of God, hear him speak to you, and be drawn deeper into loving relationship with Him.
God does so much just in Module 1! Here's what previous course members learned and experienced:
Module 1: You Can Hear God Speak
I'll share my story with you, of coming to know God as Father and hearing Him speak. We'll look at who God spoke to in the Bible, and why that's an encouragement to us today. I'll share WHO you are (rather surprising!) and the difference that makes in hearing God.
We'll jump straight into practising listening to God - I'll share three practical step-by-step ways to hear God.
I believe you'll encounter the presence of God, hear him speak to you, and be drawn deeper into loving relationship with Him.
God does so much just in Module 1! Here's what previous course members learned and experienced:
Module 2: Why God Wants to Speak With You
I'll share WHY God wants to speak to you... His heart for you, and for others! You'll begin to see from God's perspective as you hear His voice.
We'll continue with our practicals and explore three more ways to hear God speak. You'll start asking God questions, and hearing Him reply (I'll guide you step-by-step). You'll discover it's not all about having to be still and quiet, but that God also wants to speak to you in your very real day-to-day.
You're going to grow in confidence in recognising God's voice; I believe His words will touch your heart, and bring healing, joy, peace and freedom.
I love what God speaks in Module 2:
Module 2: Why God Wants to Speak With You
I'll share WHY God wants to speak to you... His heart for you, and for others! You'll begin to see from God's perspective as you hear His voice.
We'll continue with our practicals and explore three more ways to hear God speak. You'll start asking God questions, and hearing Him reply (I'll guide you step-by-step). You'll discover it's not all about having to be still and quiet, but that God also wants to speak to you in your very real day-to-day.
You're going to grow in confidence in recognising God's voice; I believe His words will touch your heart, and bring healing, joy, peace and freedom.
I love what God speaks in Module 2:
Module 3: How to Hear God's Voice
We'll explore the different ways God speaks in the Bible, and why it's more usual to hear God through our thoughts and imagination than via an audible voice (I got really excited when God revealed why)! I'll share strategies to help you recognise and deal with false voices, lies and confusion, and what to do when you don't know if it's God or just your own thoughts.
In our practicals we'll learn how to hear God in decision-making, will begin having two-way conversation with God, and will chat about dreams and visions.
This module's exciting! You're really going to start chatting with God. You're going to recognise voices that are not from God, and be equipped to deal with them. Lies you may have believed from childhood will be exposed as God speaks truth to you. This is life-changing!
Here's what my students are saying about Module 3:
Module 3: How to Hear God's Voice
We'll explore the different ways God speaks in the Bible, and why it's more usual to hear God through our thoughts and imagination than via an audible voice (I got really excited when God revealed why)! I'll share strategies to help you recognise and deal with false voices, lies and confusion, and what to do when you don't know if it's God or just your own thoughts.
In our practicals we'll learn how to hear God in decision-making, will begin having two-way conversation with God, and will chat about dreams and visions.
This module's exciting! You're really going to start chatting with God. You're going to recognise voices that are not from God, and be equipped to deal with them. Lies you may have believed from childhood will be exposed as God speaks truth to you. This is life-changing!
Here's what my students are saying about Module 3:
Module 4: Releasing God's Voice to Others
God not only wants to speak to you, He wants to speak through you! I'll share why the past (or the present) may hold you back, and how you can find freedom from fear, and negative experiences. We'll explore what it means to know God's heart and to share from a place of love. I'll encourage you to take small steps in sharing what God speaks to you, and give you strategy to keep moving forward.
During our practicals, we'll practise hearing God and sharing words with each other... and then move on to share with others. We'll take a look at prophecy and words of knowledge.
You've grown in confidence in hearing God for yourself; now you're going to start hearing Him for those around you! It's all about taking little steps. You will grow in boldness in releasing God's voice to others! And God will use you to speak His heart, and to change lives!
So proud of my students for bravely sharing what they felt God spoke to them. By the time you get to Module 4, this will be you too:
Module 4: Releasing God's Voice to Others
God not only wants to speak to you, He wants to speak through you! I'll share why the past (or the present) may hold you back, and how you can find freedom from fear, and negative experiences. We'll explore what it means to know God's heart and to share from a place of love. I'll encourage you to take small steps in sharing what God speaks to you, and give you strategy to keep moving forward.
During our practicals, we'll practise hearing God and sharing words with each other... and then move on to share with others. We'll take a look at prophecy and words of knowledge.
You've grown in confidence in hearing God for yourself; now you're going to start hearing Him for those around you! It's all about taking little steps. You will grow in boldness in releasing God's voice to others! And God will use you to speak His heart, and to change lives!
So proud of my students for bravely sharing what they felt God spoke to them. By the time you get to Module 4, this will be you too:
It's not just someone else God wants to speak to.
It's you!
You are his precious child. God has beautiful words to speak into your life.
He has beautiful words to pour through you to others!
A 4-Week Online Course
Grow in confidence in hearing God speak!
Further discounts available at checkout.
Grow in confidence in hearing God speak!
Further discounts available at checkout.
"I’ve loved these studies and reading everyone else’s comments has been so helpful and encouraging. I really identified with your story, Jo, and it encouraged me to dig deeper and to trust that I am indeed hearing from God. Thank you!"
"I've been finishing my degree in Biblical and Theological Studies, but this course has reminded me that I can 'study' Scripture all day long, and completely miss the God of the Scripture... so I'm enjoying taking time to connect with God, and not just memorize the Greek!"
"Thank you so much for doing this course, Jo. For listening to God and being willing to put the time into making this and sharing so openly about your own experiences. It has deepened my walk with God and been such an encouragement and blessing."
Course Schedule
Sign up anytime and get instant access!
On sign-up you will receive immediate access to the Welcome and Introduction lessons. Three days after sign-up, you'll receive access to Module 1.
Modules 2, 3 and 4 will be released subsequent weeks.
There is no start date. Sign up and begin anytime!
Learn how to recognise God's voice.
Discover how you best hear God.
Hear Him in the quiet... and the loud.
He has amazing things to share with you!
Lifetime Access!
Go at your own pace. Or come back to the course again!
You have lifetime access to the course; and though I encourage you to commit to the course and give it regular time each week, it's not about completing the course in a certain amount of time - it's about encountering God, and hearing from Him!
Some complete the course in the 4 weeks. Others like to move at a slower pace as other commitments allow. It's totally up to you!
Many use the course as part of their daily devotional time, some schedule a specific slot each week to work through the lessons, others dip in and out as they are able!
And, of course, once you've completed the course, you can revisit any lessons you want to again!
"I completed the course over 6 weeks, which felt about the right pace for me. I loved the step-by-step approach to the course enabling you to dip in and out as time allowed."
"I am so glad I have lifetime access and can keep coming back."
"I liked the fact I could do the course at my own pace. I think it's best done slowly allowing time to immerse yourself in it, whilst also having time to deal with everyday life!"
"I have loved using the space I have on a Sunday to spend time on this course."
On purchase, you will be directed to the course page. If it is your first time logging into a course from Joanna May Chee, you will be prompted to set a password. Please make a note of your login details. You will also receive a welcome email with access details.
There is no start or end date. You can sign up anytime, and work through the course in your own time. On sign-up, you'll receive immediate access to the Welcome and Introduction lessons. Module 1 will be released three days after that. Modules 2, 3 and 4 will be released subsequent weeks.
You will have lifetime access! You can cover the content during the four weeks, take longer, or come back to it another time.
If you want to complete the course in four weeks, I suggest allowing about one-and-a-half hours a week to cover the content. Each lesson is short, so the time could be broken into several 10-15 minutes slots over the week. (Many students use the course as a daily devotional.) In addition, you can spend as much extra time as you like with God, and interacting with other course members.
No. The community aspect of the course takes place in discussion chat boxes within the lessons and is hosted on the course platform. You do not need Facebook.
No. This version of the course is for men and women (Every Nation Church members and friends). I originally designed the course for women, but guys if you're ok with some pretty flowers and sometimes being called 'daughter of God' in the videos, it'd be great to have you! (Ladies, if you want the women's only course go here. The course is identical, but the discussion is women only, and for anyone, not just EN.)
Yes! It's a great idea to do 'Knowing God: Hear His Voice' with church members/friends. You can learn and grow together, and practise hearing God with each other. Let others know about the course by sharing this page with them.
Yes. I want to make the course available to all. £10 discount is automatically applied at checkout for EN members and friends. Further discounts are availabe for students, those in difficult financial circumstances, and those in countries where the exchange rate is not favourable to GBP. Feel free to choose one of the discount codes presented at checkout.
Yes. There is a 30-day money back guarantee. I hope you love the course, and that God speaks to you through it, but if for any reason you are not happy with it, just let me know, and I will refund you. You will then lose access to the course.
Email me at
Grow in confidence in hearing God speak!
Grow in confidence in hearing God speak!
Further discounts available at checkout.
Further discounts available at checkout.
I can't wait to learn and grow together in God with you.